Redecorate Your Home this New Year

Redecorate Your Home this New Year

New Year is a new beginning, and it’s a perfect time to redecorate your home with lovely faith-based stuff and home décor that illustrate your faith. Your home is a comfort zone for your family, a place of ministry for friends and guests. Therefore, the way you decorate your home has a great impact on its atmosphere and a reflection of your personality.

Our home talks so much about who we are, and the ambiance of our home speaks loudly about the condition of our heart before we even say a word.  Our home is where our heart is.  Surround our home with God’s Word.

Look around your outdoor space, living room, dining room, kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, walls and shelves.  Think of ways you can display your faith and gratitude in your home, so if our neighbors, guests and new acquaintances walk through the doorsteps of your home, they would be able to recognize that we are Christians.

Decorating our home with faith-based theme promotes a warm and welcoming atmosphere that will make our family feel loved and secured.  It offers us opportunities to give inspiration to our family and to display our faith in God  to others.  It also allows us to express our kindness and compassion to our friends and guests.

Decorating every part and space of our home that displays faith and hope with the intention of honoring the Lord gives us an opportunity to live each day anew and give us the strength we need to face new challenges that might come in our doors. Wall hangings and frames are a great way to incorporate inspiring quotes and Bible verses into our home décor.

We can decorate our home the way we want it, but there are so many ways to decorate our home to incorporate God’s Word and still exhibit our own style and creativity.  Let’s decorate our home to display our faith and hope in God. Fill our hearts and homes with the Words of God.

 “All Scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, directing and training in discipline.” 2 Timothy 3:16